New disease mechanism discovered for SYT1-associated disorder
Neurotransmitter release is less synchronized in SYT1-associated disorder, according to a new study from the Cornelisse lab.
Neurotransmitter release is less synchronized in SYT1-associated disorder, according to a new study from the Cornelisse lab.
Ricarda Weiland and Maaike van Boven received a prize for best poster at the Dutch Neuroscience Meeting 2019. In their winning poster they presented their first results in the BECAUSE project, in which they investigate mechanisms involved in sensory sensitivity in people with autism.
Together with clinicians and researchers from Utrecht, Nijmegen and Twente, CNCR researchers Verhage, Cornelisse, Meijer (FGA) and Linkenkaer-Hansen (INF) received a €1,8M grant to improve personalized medicine for children with autism.
The SYNGO Consortium, coordinated by CNCR scientists Frank Koopmans, Guus Smit and Matthijs Verhage, release the first deep annotation of synaptic genes and publish 1st paper in Neuron