Books and Bookchapters
Statistical Genetics: Gene Mapping Through Linkage and Association. (2007) Eds. Neale, Ferreira, Medland, Posthuma. Taylor and Francis, London, UK. (ISBN 9780415410403). website.
Distel MA, de Moor MHM, Polderman TJC. Persoonlijkheid en persoonlijkheidsstoornissen. In: Handboek Psychiatrie en Genetica. Ed. Stephan Claes, Jim van Os.
Chavarria-Siles I, Fernandez G, Posthuma D. Brain Imaging and Cognition. In: Behavior Genetics of Cognition Across the Lifespan. Ed. D. Finkel
Rizzi TS, Posthuma D. Genes and Intelligence. In: Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Psychology, Ed. Chad Zimmerman And Daniel Reisberg
Posthuma D., Rizzi TS Intelligence and the Intelligence Quotient. In: Encyclopedia of Genetics, 2nd edition, Ed. Dr Stanley Maloy and Dr Kelly Hughes. Elsevier, Oxford, UK
Vinkhuyzen AAE, van der Sluis S, Posthuma D. Behavior Genetics. In: Integrative Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry, and Behavioral Medicine: Perspectives, Practices, and Research, Ed. Roland A. Carlstedt
Rebollo I, Polderman TJC, Moya-Albiol L. Genes, Agresión y Violencia. In: Psicobiología de la Violencia. Ed. Luis Moya-Albiol
Nelis A & Posthuma D. Zoek de verschillen … Over intelligentie, erfelijkheid en tweelingenonderzoek. in: de Maakbare Mens, onder redactie van Koops, Nelis, Sieburgh, Luty. Center for Society and Genomics, Nijmegen (in Dutch)
Posthuma D. Multivariate Genetic Analysis. In: Handbook of Behavior Genetics. Yong Kyu Kim, Ed. Springer, 2009
Posthuma D, de Geus EJC, Deary IJ. The genetics of intelligence. In: The Genetics of Cognitive Neuroscience. Terry Goldberg & Daniel Weinberger, Eds. MITT Press.
Posthuma D (2008) Intelligentieonderzoek bij tweelingen. In: Tweelingonderzoek – Een fascinerende wetenschap. Onder redactie van Boomsma (in Dutch)
Posthuma D, & de Geus E. (2008). The Genetics of Information Processing Speed in Humans. In: J DeLuca and J Kalmar (Eds.). Processing Speed in Clinical Populations, Taylor and Francis, pp. 79-100
van der Sluis S, and Posthuma D. Single Locus Association Models. In: Dissection of complex trait variation through linkage and association. Editors: M Ferreira, B Neale, SE Medland, D Posthuma. Taylor & Francis, UK, pp. 323-354
Posthuma D and Maes HH. Variance Components Linkage Analysis for Quantitative Traits. In: Dissection of complex trait variation through linkage and association. Editors: M Ferreira, B Neale, SE Medland, D Posthuma. Taylor & Francis, UK, pp 181-206.
Posthuma D. (2005). Additive Genetic Variance. Encyclopedia in Statistics for Behavioral Sciences Vol. 1. Eds: B Everitt, D Howell, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, Chichester, pp. 18-22.
Boomsma D, Willemsen G, De Geus E, Kupper N, Posthuma D, IJzerman R, Heijmans B, Slagboom E, Beem L, Dolan C (2005). Twins and the fetal origins hypothesis: An application to growth data. In: Hormones and the Brain, C. Kordon, R.C. Gaillard, Y. Christen (Eds.), 29-46, Springer.
Posthuma D, Bartels M, Boomsma DI. (2002). De gedragsgenetische benadering van veroudering. In: Schroots, J.J.F. (Red.) Handboek psychologie van de volwassen ontwikkeling en veroudering. Assen: Van Gorcum. (Dutch) p.137-155.
Posthuma D, de Geus EJC, Boomsma DI. (2002). Genetic contributions to anatomical, behavioural, and neurophysiological indices and cognition. In: R. Plomin, J.C. deFries, I.C. Craig, & P. McGuffin (Eds.). Behavioral genetics in the postgenomic era. Washington, DC. APA Books. 2002. p.141-162.