Posthuma, Verhage and Heutink receive prestigious grant

24 August 2010

– in the ‘Programmes for Excellence’ – round from the ‘National Initiative Brain and Cognition: an integrated approach’ (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research).

The ‘Programmes for Excellence’ stimulate research in the field of brain and cognition. Its goal is to gain insight into cognitive functioning, from molecules to mind. Proposals should be of interdisciplinary nature and lead to new insights in the relation between cognitive functioning and the brain. Over 100 proposals were submitted of which 14 were granted, each around 500k Euro. The project of Posthuma, Verhage and Heutink is a collaboration between the VU CNCR, the Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam and the Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht. The aim of the project is to investigate which functional gene networks influence the risk to attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and how these networks relate to differences in brain structure and function. Results of the project may lead to novel insights into the neurobiological pathways underlying ADHD.

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