Outreach and Students

Over the years, the excellent opportunities of the CNCR allowed the MCN lab to push the frontiers of neurosciences.
As such we discuss our latest results with both PhD students (graduate school ONWAR), the CNCR-VU Master students (Neuroscience) and Bachelor students within the two minors (Brain & Mind and Biomolecular/Neurosciences) we contribute to.

Furthermore, we reach out to others to update them on our recent findings. We do so by regularly participating in public meetings. We lecture for:
• training networks of EU programs
• student organisations within the VU and different universities
• students outside academia (pharmacy/science technician schools, and high schools)
• the general public (parents, science-cafe)
• patient organisations
• companies and governmental organisations.

In addition, we give guided tours in our labs during for example the Science Weekend (Weekend van de Wetenschap) or for interested students (all levels). As exemplified from the movie below (Dutch news item), we participate in television documentaries and interviews (radio, television) to share our latest data with the public.
nicotine_in_adolescente_ratten_test_nos.mp4 (2.03 MB)

Part of our outreach and dissemination is achieved via our website, lectures and publications in journals for care-givers (on topics of nicotine, or depression&alcohol comorbidity). Part of it is achieved by having a large input into the locally popular science journal Amsterdam Science, which can be found at all science centers within Amsterdam, Amsterdam hotels and our national airport Schiphol.