Interested in performing an internship @MCN?

Please fill in the form below, together with your grade list up to now, your CV and motivation letter for the team of interest to the team leader. Mind to indicate ‘internship’ in the subject heading of your mail.

Deadline for applications for the first semester (september-january): May 1st
Deadline for applications for the second semester (february-june): November 1st

NOTE1: Semi-wet lab internships for 2021 are restricted to VU MSc Neuroscience students.
A very limited number of BSc internships (VU BMS) are available, but will entail data analysis only.

NOTE2: We hardly do summer internships, but you are free to ask the respective PI

In case you have a different schedule of doing your internship, please make note of it in your email or on the form.
Interviews will be held most likely in respectively May and November. Note that due to heavy mailing during this period, you might not receive an answer promptly.

Links to the teams and to the mail addresses of the team leaders are:
Addiction of Taco de Vries
Animal models of psychiatric disease of Sabine Spijker
Dementia science of Ronald van Kesteren
Glial regulated neuronal plasticity of Mark Verheijen
Memory circuits of Michel van den Oever
Molecular Engrams of Priyanka Rao-Ruiz
Neuroproteomics of Ka Wan Li

Application form
intern_application_form_mcn.docx (17.71 KB)