Stephanie Dooves

Postdoctoral researcher

Contact info

  • Address

    Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
    Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research (CNCR)
    Department of Complex Trait Genetics
    Research Building
    De Boelelaan 1100
    1081 HZ Amsterdam
    The Netherlands

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Profile image of Stephanie Dooves

Short CV

2018 – Postdoctoral researcher Amsterdam UMC
2011-2018 PhD candidate VU University Amsterdam
2013 Visiting Research Scholar Rowitch lab, UCSF, San Francisco, USA
2009‑2010 Exchange Honours Master Programme VU University Amsterdam, Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience
2008‑2010 Master Neuroscience (cum laude) VU University Amsterdam


My main research interest is in the contribution of glial dysfunction to brain disorders. During my PhD research I developed new experimental models and new therapeutic approaches for leukodystrophy Vanishing White Matter. As a postdoctoral researcher I am involved in 2 research projects. The first project is focused on 4H leukodystrophy, a rare genetic brain white matter disorder. Previous research suggests a role for neurons and oligodendrocytes in 4H pathomechanisms. We are using human stem cell models to study neuronal development and neuron-oligodendrocyte interactions. The second project is focused on Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) a multisystem disorder with manifestations in the brain. I am studying how (stem cell derived) glial cells contribute to TSC development.

PhD thesis

Highlighted publications

Dooves S, van Velthoven AJH, Suciati LG, Heine VM. Neuron-glia interactions in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex affect the synaptic balance in 2D and organoid cultures. Cells, 2021

Warren EC, Dooves S, Lugara E, Damstra-Oddy J, Schaf J, Heine VM, Walker MC, Williams RSB. Decanoic acid inhibits mTORC1 activity independent of glucose and insulin signaling. PNAS, 2020

Dooves S#, Nadadhur AG#, Gasparotto L, Heine VM. Co-culture of human stem cell derived neurons and oligodendrocyte progenitor cells. Bio-Protocol, 2020
# Shared first authorship

Leferink PS#, Dooves S# Hillen AEJ#, Watanabe, K, Jacobs G, Gasparotto L, Cornelissen-Steijger P, van der Knaap MS, Heine VM. Astrocyte subtype vulnerability in stem cell models of Vanishing White Matter. Ann Neurol, 2019.
# Shared first authorship

Dooves S, Leferink PS, Krabbenborg S, Breeuwsma N, Bots S, Hillen AEJ, Jacobs G, van der Knaap MS, Heine VM. Cell replacement therapy improves pathological hallmarks in a mouse model of leukodystrophy Vanishing White Matter. Stem Cell Reports, 2019

Nadadhur AG, Alsaqati M, Gasparotto L, Cornelissen-Steijger P, van Hugte E, Dooves S, Harwood AJ, Heine VM. Neuron-glia interactions increase neuronal phenotypes in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex patient iPSC-derived models. Stem Cell Reports, 2019.

Dooves S, Bugiani M, Wisse LE, Abbink TEM, van der Knaap MS, Heine VM. Bergmann glia translocation: a new disease marker for Vanishing White Matter identifies therapeutic effects of Guanabenz treatment. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol, 2018.

Dooves S, van der Knaap MS, Heine VM. Stem cell therapy for white matter disorders: don’t forget the microenvironment! J Inherit Metab Dis. 2016.

Dooves S#, Bugiani M#, Postma NL, Polder E, Land N, Horan ST, van Deijk AL, van de Kreeke A, Jacobs G, Vuong C, Klooster J, Kamermans M, Wortel J, Loos M, Wisse LE, Scheper GC, Abbink TE, Heine VM*, van der Knaap MS*. Astrocytes are central in the pathomechanisms of vanishing white matter. J Clin Invest, 2016.
# Shared first authorship *Shared senior authorship.

Heine VM, Dooves S, Holmes D, Wagner J. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in Brain Diseases. Understanding the Methods, Epigenetic Basis, and Applications for Regenerative Medicine. SpringerBriefs in Neurosciences. 2012, 2012, XV, 59 p. 7 illus., 6 in color.