Robin Weiler

PhD student

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Short CV

2024 – present PhD candidate Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
2023 – 2024 Research assistant Amsterdam UMC
2020 – 2023 Msc Computational Science Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam & Universiteit van Amsterdam (joint degree)
2020 – 2023 Research assistant Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
2017 – 2020 BSc Computer Science Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


Computational modeling of human hippocampal and cortical neurons to investigate how their biophysical properties relate to memory function.

Highlighted publications

Weiler, R., Brucklacher, M., Pennartz, C., & Bohté, S. M. (2024). Masked Image Modeling as a Framework for Self-Supervised Learning across Eye Movements. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.08526.
Weiler, R., Diachenko, M., Juarez-Martinez, E. L., Avramiea, A. E., Bloem, P., & Linkenkaer-Hansen, K. (2023). Robin’s viewer: using deep-learning predictions to assist EEG annotation. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 16, 1025847.
Diachenko, M., Houtman, S. J., Juarez-Martinez, E. L., Ramautar, J. R., Weiler, R., Mansvelder, H. D., … & Linkenkaer-Hansen, K. (2022). Improved manual annotation of EEG signals through convolutional neural network guidance. Eneuro, 9(5).
Capel, H., Weiler, R., Dijkstra, M., Vleugels, R., Bloem, P., & Feenstra, K. A. (2022). ProteinGLUE multi-task benchmark suite for self-supervised protein modeling. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 16047.