Date, Time     Room Speaker Title
05-01-2011 12.00-13.00 HG 10A05 Ed Levitan (University of Pittsburgh, USA) Imaging Vesicle and Signaling Dynamics in the Nerve Terminal
29-12-2010 12.00-13.00 NO SEMINAR NO SEMINAR NO SEMINAR
22-12-2010 12.00-13.00 NO SEMINAR NO SEMINAR NO SEMINAR
08-12-2010 12.00-13.00 HG 10A05 Keimpe Wierda Distinct forms of synaptic plasticity lacking in autapses are unveiled in minimal neuronal networks
01-12-2010 12.00-13.00 HG 10A05 Gina Turrigiano
(Brandeis University, Waltham, USA)
The self-tuning neuron: synaptic scaling in the developing visual system
24-11-2010 12.00-13.00 HG 10A05 Karine Guillem Targeted re-expression of the beta2 nicotinic receptor subunits in the medial prefrontal cortex restores attentional performance in beta2 knockout mice
17-11-2010 12.00-13.00 NO SEMINAR NO SEMINAR NO SEMINAR
10-11-2010 12.00-13.00 HG 11A05 Oleg Shupliakov Coordination of membrane trafficking in synapses by scaffolding molecules
03-11-2010 12.00-13.00 HG 11A05 Rogier Poorthuis Nicotinic modulation of neuronal networks for attention
27-10-2010 12.00-13.00 NO SEMINAR NO SEMINAR NO SEMINAR
20-10-2010 12.00-13.00 NO SEMINAR NO SEMINAR NO SEMINAR
13-10-2010 12.00-13.00 HG 11A05 Erich Wanker
(Max Dellrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany)
NeuroNet: Understanding protein misfolding diseases with network biology
06-10-2010 12.00-13.00 HG 11A05 Pieter van Bokhoven Social defeat stress: Molecular and cellular plasticity in cortico-limbic structures involved in depression
29-09-2010 12.00-13.00 HG 11A05 Joris de Wit Control of Excitatory Synapse Formation by Leucine-Rich Repeat Containing Proteins
22-09-2010 12.00-13.15 HG 11A05 Steven Kushner How the brain encodes a fear memory: Competition within neural networks mediates selection
15-09-2010 12.00-13.00 HG 11A05 Christiaan Levelt Molecular determinants of visual acuity and plasticity
01-09-2010 12.00-13.00 HG 11A05 Rhiannon Meredith From synapse to network: glutamate receptor function during early development of mental retardation