2013 - 2014


Astill, R.G., Verhoeven, D., Vijzelaar, R.L. & Someren, E.J.W. van (2013). Chronic stress undermines the compensatory sleep efficiency increase in response to sleep restriction in adolescents. Journal of Sleep Research, 22(4), 373-379.

Bijlenga, D., Someren, E.J.W. van, Gruber, R., Bron, T.I., Kruithof, I.F., Spanbroek, E.C. & Kooij, J.J.S. (2013). Body temperature, activity and melatonin profiles in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and delayed sleep: a case-control study. Journal of Sleep Research, 22(6), 607-616.

Boudewijns, Z.S.R.M., Groen, M.R., Lodder, B.N., McMaster, M.T., Kaleogrades, L., Haan, R. de, Narayanan, R.T., Meredith, R.M., Mansvelder, H.D. & Kock, C.P.J. de (2013). Layer-specific high-frequency action potential spiking in the prefrontal cortex of awake rats. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 7(99).

Braber, A. den, Ent, D. van t, Stoffers, D., Linkenkaer-Hansen, K., Boomsma, D.I. & Geus, E.J.C. de (2013). Sex differences in gray and white matter structure in age-matched unrelated males and females and opposite-sex siblings. Journal of Psychological Research (BGR), 6, 7-21.

Diaz, B.A., Sluis, S. van der, Moens, S., Benjamins, J.S., Migliorati, F., Stoffers, D., Braber, A. den, Poil, S.S., Hardstone, R.E., Ent, D. van t, Boomsma, D.I., Geus, E.J.C. de, Mansvelder, H.D., Someren, E.J.W. van & Linkenkaer-Hansen, K. (2013). The Amsterdam Resting-State Questionnaire reveals multiple phenotypes of resting-state cognition. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7(446), 1-15.

Heistek, T.S., Ruiperez Alonso, M., Timmerman, A.J., Brussaard, A.B. & Mansvelder, H.D. (2013). α2-containing GABAA receptors expressed in hippocampal region CA3 control fast network oscillations. Journal of Physiology – London, 845-858.

Jeurissen, D., Self, M.W. & Roelfsema, P.R. (2013). Surface reconstruction, figure-ground modulation, and border-ownership. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 4(1), 50-52.

Kramvis, I., Loos, M., Mansvelder, H.D. & Meredith, R.M. (2013). Hyperactivity, perseveration and increased responding during attentional rule acquisition in the Fragile X mouse model. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2013(7), 1-13.

Leenaars, C.H., Girardi, C.E.N., Joosten, R.N.J.M., Lako, I., Ruimschotel, E., Hanegraaf, M.A.J., Dematteis, M., Feenstra, M.G.P. & Someren, E.J.W. van (2013). Instrumental learning: An animal model for sleep dependent memory enhancement. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 217(1-2), 44-53.

Luik, A.I., Zuurbier, L.A., Hofman, A., Someren, E.J.W. van & Tiemeier, H. (2013). Stability and fragmentation of the activity rhythm across the sleep-wake cycle: The importance of age, lifestyle and mental health. Chronobiology International, 30(10), 1223-1230.

Oever, M.C. van den, Rotaru, D.C., Heinsbroek, J.A., Gouwenberg, Y., Deisseroth, K., Stuber, G.D., Mansvelder, H.D. & Smit, A.B. (2013). Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Pyramidal Cells Have a Temporal Dynamic Role in Recall and Extinction of Cocaine-Associated Memory. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(46), 18225-18233.

Onuki, Y., Someren, E.J.W. van, Zeeuw, C.I. & Werf, Y.D. van der (2013). Hippocampal–Cerebellar Interaction During Spatio-Temporal Prediction. Cerebral Cortex.

Palva, M.J., Zhigalov, A., Hirvonen, J., Korhonen, O., Palva, S. & Linkenkaer-Hansen, K. (2013). Neuronal long-range temporal correlations and avalanche dynamics are correlated with behavioral scaling laws. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(9), 3585-3590.

Piantoni, G., Cheung, B.L.P., Veen, B.D. van, Romeijn, N., Riedner, B.A., Tononi, G., Werf, Y.D. van der & Someren, E.J.W. van (2013). Disrupted directed connectivity along the cingulate cortex determines vigilance after sleep deprivation. Neuroimage, 2013(79), 213-222.

Piantoni, G., Poil, S.S., Linkenkaer-Hansen, K., Verweij, I.M., Ramautar, J.R., Someren, E.J.W. van & Werff, Y. (2013). Individual Differences in White Matter Diffusion Affect Sleep Oscillations. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(1), 227-233.

Piantoni, G., Astill, R.G., Raymann, R.J.E.M., Vis, J.C., Coppens, J.E. & Someren, E.J.W. van (2013). Modulation of gamma and spindle-range power by slow oscillations in scalp sleep EEG of children. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 89(2), 252-258.

Poil, S.S., Haan, Willem de, Flier, W.M. van der, Mansvelder, H.D., Scheltens, P. & Linkenkaer-Hansen, K. (2013). Integrative EEG biomarkers predict progression to Alzheimer’s disease at the MCI stage. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.

Poorthuis, R.B., Bloem, B., Verhoog, M.B. & Mansvelder, H.D. (2013). Layer-specific interference with cholinergic signaling in the prefrontal cortex by smoking concentrations of nicotine. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(11), 4843-4853.

Poorthuis, R.B., Bloem, B., Schak, B., Wester, J., Kock, C.P.J. de & Mansvelder, H.D. (2013). Layer-specific modulation of the prefrontal cortex by nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Cerebral Cortex, 23(1).

Poorthuis, R.B. & Mansvelder, H.D. (2013). Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors controlling attention: Behavior, circuits and sensitivity to disruption by nicotine. Biochemical Pharmacology, 86(8), 1089-1098.

Ramautar, J.R., Romeijn, N., Gomez-Herrero, G., Piantoni, G. & Someren, E.J.W. van (2013). Coupling of infraslow fluctuations in autonomic and central vigilance markers: Skin temperature, EEG beta power and ERP P300 latency. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2013(89), 158-164.

Self, M.W., Kerkoerle, T van, Super, H. & Roelfsema, P.R. (2013). Distinct Roles of the Cortical Layers of Area V1 in Figure-Ground Segregation. Current Biology, 23(21), 2121-2129.

Smit, D.J.A., Linkenkaer-Hansen, K. & Geus, E.J.C. de (2013). Long-range temporal correlations in resting-state α oscillations predict human timing-error dynamics. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(27), 11212-11220.

Stanisor, L., Togt, C. van der, Pennartz, C.M.A. & Roelfsema, P.R. (2013). A unified selection signal for attention and reward in primary visual cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(22), 9136-9141.

Sundelin, T., Lekander, M., Kecklund, G., Someren, E.J.W. van, Olsson, A. & Axelsson, J. (2013). Cues of fatigue: effects of sleep deprivation on facial appearance. SLEEP, 1355-1360.

Velde, S.J. te, Aa, N. van der, Boomsma, D.I., Someren, E.J.W. van, Geus, E.J.C. de, Brug, J. & Bartels, M. (2013). Genetic and Environmental Influences on Individual Differences in Sleep Duration During Adolescence. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 16(06), 1015-1025.

Verhoog, M.B., Goriounova, N.A., Obermayer, J, Stroeder, J., Hjorth, J.J.J., Testa-Silva, G., Baaijen, J.C., Kock, C.P.J. de, Meredith, R.M. & Mansvelder, H.D. (2013). Mechanisms underlying the rules for associative plasticity at adult human neocortical synapses. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(43), 17197-17208.

Watson, P., Korjoukov, I., Vartak, D & Roelfsema, P.R. (2013). Luminance contrast has little influence on the spread of object-based attention. Vision Research, 85, 90-103.


Avella Gonzalez, O.J., Aerde, K.I. van, Mansvelder, H.D., Pelt, J. van & Ooijen, A. van (2014). Inter-network interactions: impact of connections between oscillatory neuronal networks on oscillation frequency and pattern. PLoS One, 9(7). 10.1371/journal.pone.0100899

Bloem, B., Poorthuis, R.B. & Mansvelder, H.D. (2014). Cholinergic modulation of the medial prefrontal cortex: the role of nicotinic receptors in attention and regulation of neuronal activity. Frontiers in Neurology, 2014:17(8). 10.3389/fncir.2014.00017

Bloem, B., Schoppink, L., Rotaru – Marcu, D.C., Faiz, A., Hendriks, P., Mansvelder, H.D., Berg, W.D.J. van de & Wouterlood, F.G. (2014). Topographic Mapping between Basal Forebrain Cholinergic Neurons and the Medial Prefrontal Cortex in Mice. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(49), 16234-1646. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3011-14.2014.

Cijsouw, T., Weber, J.P., Broeke, J.H.P., Broek, J.A., Schut, D., Kroon, T., Saarloos, I., Verhage, M. & Toonen, R.F.G. (2014). Muncl 8-1 redistributes in nerve terminals in an activity- and PKC-dependent manner. Journal of Cell Biology, 204(5), 759-775. 10.1083/jcb.201308026

Diaz, B.A., Sluis, S. van der, Benjamins, J.S., Stoffers, D., Hardstone, R.E., Mansvelder, H.D., Someren, E.J. van & Linkenkaer Hansen, K. (2014). The ARSQ 2.0 reveals age and personality effects on mind-wandering experiences. Frontiers in Psychology, 5(271). 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00271

Dubey, M., Bugiani, M., Ridder, M.C., Postma, N., Brouwers, E., Polder, E., Jacobs, J.G., Baaijen, J.C., Klooster, J., Kamermans, M., Aardse, R., Kock, C.P.J. de, Dekker, M.P., Weering, J.R.T. van, Heine, V.M., Abbink, T.E., Scheper, G.C., Boor, I., Lodder, J.C., Mansvelder, H.D. & Knaap, M.S. van der (2015). Mice with Megalencephalic Leukoencephalopathy with Cysts: A developmental angle. Annals of Neurology, 77(1), 114-131. 10.1002/ana.24307

Eyal, G., Mansvelder, H.D., Kock, C.P.J. de & Segev, I (2014). Dendrites impact the encoding capabilities of the axon. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(24), 8063-8071. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5431-13.2014

Groen, M.R., Paulsen, O., Pérez-Garci, E., Nevian, T., Wortel, J., Dekker, M.P., Mansvelder, H.D., Ooijen, A. van & Meredith, R.M. (2014). Development of dendritic tonic GABAergic inhibition regulates excitability and plasticity in CA1 pyramidal neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology, 112(2), 287-299. 10.1152/jn.00066.2014

Hjorth, J., Pelt, J. van, Mansvelder, H.D. & Ooijen, A. van (2014). Competitive dynamics during resource-driven neurite outgrowth. PLoS One, 2014:2(9). 10.1371/journal.pone.0086741

Karataeva, A.R., Klaassen, R.V., Ruiperez-Alonso, M., Hjorth, J., Nierop, P. van, Spijker, S., Mansvelder, H.D. & Smit, A.B. (2014). C-terminal interactors of the AMPA receptor auxiliary subunit Shisa9. PLoS One, 9(2), e87360. 10.1371/journal.pone.0087360

La Fata, G., Gärtner, A., Domínguez-Iturza, N., Dresselaers, T., Dawitz, J., Poorthuis, R.B., Averna, M., Himmelreich, U., Meredith, R.M., Achsel, T., Dotti, C.G. & Bagni, C. (2014). FMRP regulates multipolar to bipolar transition affecting neuronal migration and cortical circuitry. Nature Neuroscience, 17(12), 1693-1700. 10.1038/nn.3870

Lozovaya, N., Gataullina, S., Tsintsadze, T., Tsintsadze, V., Pallesi-Pocachard, E., Minlebaev, M., Goriounova, N.A., Buhler, E., Watrin, F., Shityakov, S., Becker, A.J., Bordey, A., Milh, M., Scavarda, D., Bulteau, C., Dorfmuller, G., Delalande, O., Represa, A., Cardoso, C., Dulac, O., Ben-Ari, Y. & Burnashev, N. (2014). Selective suppression of excessive GluN2C expression rescues early epilepsy in a tuberous sclerosis murine model. Nature Communications, 5(4563). 10.1038/ncomms5563

Luchicchi, A., Bloem, B., Viaña, J.N., Mansvelder, H.D. & Role, L.W. (2014). Illuminating the role of cholinergic signaling in circuits of attention and emotionally salient behaviors. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience, 6(24). 10.3389/fnsyn.2014.00024

McAssey, M.P., Bijma, F., Tarigan, B., Pelt, J. van, Ooyen, A. van & Gunst, M.C.M. de (2014). A morpho-density approach to estimating neural connectivity. PLoS One, 9:e86526(1). 10.1371/journal.pone.0086526

Meer, J.N. van der, Heijtel, D.F.R., Hest, G. van, Plattel, G.J., Osch, M.J.P. van, Someren, E.J.W. van, Vanbavel, E.T. & Nederveen, A.J. (2014). Acoustic noise reduction in pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (pCASL). Magnetic resonance materials in physics biology and medicine, 27(3), 269-276. 10.1007/s10334-013-0406-3

Meredith, R.M. (2015). Sensitive and critical periods during neurotypical and aberrant neurodevelopment: A framework for neurodevelopmental disorders. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2014.12.001

Narayanan, R.T., Mohan, H., Broersen, R., Haan, R. de, Pieneman, A.W. & Kock, C.P.J. de (2014). Juxtasomal biocytin labeling to study the structure-function relationship of individual cortical neurons. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 84. 10.3791/51359

Negrean, A. & Mansvelder, H.D. (2014). Optimal lens design and use in laser-scanning microscopy. Biomedical Optics Express, 5(5), 1588-1609. 10.1364/BOE.5.001588

Onuki, Y., Someren, E.J.W. van, Zeeuw, C.I. & Werf, Y.D. van der (2015). Hippocampal–Cerebellar Interaction During Spatio-Temporal Prediction. Cerebral Cortex. 10.1093/cercor/bht221

Ooyen, A. van, Carnell, A., Ridder, S. De, Tarigan, B., Mansvelder, H.D., Bijma, F., Gunst, M.C.M. de & Pelt, J. van (2014). Independently Outgrowing Neurons and Geometry- Based Synapse Formation Produce Networks with Realistic Synaptic Connectivity. PLoS One, 9:e85858(1). 10.1371/journal.pone.0085858

Poil, S.S., Bollmann, S., Ghisleni, C., O’Gorman, R.L., Klaver, P., Ball, J., Eich-Höchli, D., Brandeis, D. & Michels, L. (2014). Age dependent electroencephalographic changes in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Clinical Neurophysiology, 125(8), 1504-1506. 10.1016/j.clinph.2013.12.118

Pooresmaeili, A. & Roelfsema, P.R. (2014). A Growth-Cone Model for the Spread of Object-Based Attention during Contour Grouping. Current Biology, 24(24), 2869-2877. 10.1016/j.cub.2014.10.007

Pooresmaeili, A., Poort, J. & Roelfsema, P.R. (2014). Simultaneous selection by object-based attention in visual and frontal cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(17), 6467-6472. 10.1073/pnas.1316181111

Roelfsema, P.R. & Treue, S. (2014). Basic Neuroscience Research with Nonhuman Primates: A Small but Indispensable Component of Biomedical Research. Neuron, 82(6), 1200-1204. 10.1016/j.neuron.2014.06.003

Schiavone, G., Linkenkaer Hansen, K., Maurits, N.M., Plakas, A., Maassen, B.A., Mansvelder, H.D., Leij, A. van der & Zuijen, T.L. van (2014). Preliteracy signatures of poor-reading abilities in resting-state EEG. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8(735). 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00735

Self, M.W., Lorteije, J.A.M., Vangeneugden, J., Beest, E.H. van, Grigore, M.E., Levelt, C.N., Heimel, J.A. & Roelfsema, P.R. (2014). Orientation-Tuned Surround Suppression in Mouse Visual Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(28), 9290-9304. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5051-13.2014

Testa-Silva, G., Verhoog, M.B., Linaro, D., Kock, C.P.J. de, Baayen, J.C., Meredith, R.M., Zeeuw, C.I., Giugliano, M. & Mansvelder, H.D. (2014). High bandwidth synaptic communication and frequency tracking in human neocortex. PloS Biology, 12:e1002007(11). 10.1371/journal.pbio.1002007

Someren, E.J.W. van (2014). Colors cast long shadows on brain activity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(16), 5769-5770. 10.1073/pnas.1403596111

Straten, A. van, Emmelkamp, J., Wit, J. de, Lancee, J., Andersson, G., Someren, E.J.W. van & Cuijpers, P. (2014). Guided Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural treatment for insomnia: a randomized trial. Psychological Medicine, 44(7), 1521-1532. 10.1017/S0033291713002249

Vegh, M.J., Heldring, C.M., Kamphuis, W.W., Hijazi, S., Timmerman, A.J., Li, K.W., Nierop, P. van, Mansvelder, H.D., Hol, E.M., Smit, A.B. & Kesteren, R.E. van (2014). Reducing hippocampal extracellular matrix reverses early memory deficits in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Acta Neuropathologica Communinications, 2(76). 10.1186/s40478-014-0076-z

Verweij, I.M., Romeijn, N., Smit, D.J.A., Piantoni, G., Someren, E.J.W. van & Werf, Y.D. van der (2014). Sleep deprivation leads to a loss of functional connectivity in frontal brain regions. BMC Neuroscience, 15(88), 1-10. 10.1186/1471-2202-15-88

Wouterlood, F.G., Bloem, B., Mansvelder, H.D., Luchicchi, A. & Deisseroth, K. (2014). A fourth generation of neuroanatomical tracing techniques: exploiting the offspring of genetic engineering. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 235, 331-348. 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2014.07.021

Zylberberg, A., Roelfsema, P.R. & Sigman, M. (2014). Variance misperception explains illusions of confidence in simple perceptual decisions. Consciousness and Cognition, 27, 246-253. 10.1016/j.concog.2014.05.012

Pelt, J. van, Uylings, H.B.M. & Ooijen, A. van (2014). Neuronal Arborizations, Spatial Innervation, and Emergent Network Connectivity. In H. Cuntz, M.W.H. Remme & B. Torben-Nielsen (Eds.), The Computing Dendrite (Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience) (pp. 61-78). New York: Springer. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-8094-5_4