Payam Safavi

PhD student

Contact info

  • Address

    Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
    Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research (CNCR)
    Department of Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology
    Research Building
    De Boelelaan 1100
    1081 HZ Amsterdam
    The Netherlands

  • E-mail

Profile image of Payam Safavi

After obtaining my MSc degree (2020) at Radboud University Nijmegen (Medical Biology, Specialization in Neuroscience), I joined the Animal models of psychiatric disease team of Sabine Spijker (1-9-2020) as a PhD student. Using behavior, proteomics and electrophysiology as read-outs, I aim to understand the role of different cell types in the development of cognitive dysfunction in depression within the settings of the Brainscapes consortium.