Date Topic/Literature Led by
30-01-2013 Nat Gen, Huyghe (2012) Mark Patrick Roeling
14-02-2013 JAG instruction course Christiaan de Leeuw/Danielle Posthuma
08-03-2013 VUmc Science Exchange Day Emmeke Aarts, Sophie van der Sluis, Tinca Polderman
04/08-03-2013 Course ‘Statistical Genetics’ Boulder, USA Anke Hammerschlag/Christiaan de Leeuw/Mark Patrick Roeling/Danielle Posthuma
28-03-2013 Practice defence Thais Rizzi
08-04-2013 Thesis defence ‘Genetic Mechanisms of Intelligence’ Thais Rizzi
10-04-2013 JC: Nat Gen, Lehner (2012) Christiaan de Leeuw
17-04-2013 NCA day Sophie van der Sluis, Emmeke Aarts, Mark Patrick Roeling, Sabine Mous, Anke Hammerschlag, Christiaan de Leeuw
24-04-2013 JC: PGC paper Lancet (2013) Anke Hammerschlag
08-05-2013 JC: Mol Psy, Wong (2013) Mark Patrick Roeling
29-05-2013 JC: Eur J Paediatric Neur, Cortese (2012) / Plink and FaST-LMM Sabine Mous / Maarten Kampert
12-06-2013 JC: Am J Psychiatry, Greenwood (2013) Maren Hoogland
03-07-2013 Student/PhD project presentation Maren Hoogland/Jorim Tielbeek
08-08-2013 Student project presentation UMC Master student/Danielle Posthuma
03-10-2013 JC: Nat Gen, Wright (2013) Christiaan de Leeuw
31-10-2013 JC: Nat Rev Gen, Evangelou & Ioannidis (2013) Jorim Tielbeek
13-11-2013 Project report ‘Gene Sets for Autism’ Mark Patrick Roeling
27-11-2013 Project report ‘Gene Sets for Schizophrenia’ Iván Chavarria
11-12-2013 GWAS in psychiatric disorders, colloquium EUR Danielle Posthuma